Sunday, February 9, 2014

Free Printable! Vintage Wallpaper Collage

Look what came out of my fortune cookie today!

Cute, I thought, and stashed it away. I only just realized it has come true! 
I sat down tonight to start creating again, and I've been having some fun making mixed-media style background papers out of old wallpapers!   These are really easy to create. Why don't you try some of your own?! They are great starters for all kinds of creative projects. 

Here's one I thought you might like to print out and use in your paper crafting. Would also make great wrapping paper!

Just click to get to the larger image and then right click and save to your computer!



  1. Beautiful, Jodie! Oh, I love your soft color combinations. Hope you keep your creativity spirits high. Miss you. Thanks a bunch!

  2. thanks Jodie - i had just picked up more wallpaper books yesterday for the folks at assisted living & this morning is your creative piece for our inspiration - hope all is well - thinking of you - love, jan

  3. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing :)!!!

  4. Hi Jodie... you don't really need a fortune cookie to tell you what you already know - or what everyone else does anyway. You create many things for many people not just fabulous papers...

    Did you just rip these up very small and scan them or did you put large bits on the floor (for example) and take a high res photo. Just wondered with yoj having all your wonderful photographic wizardry! Lol

    Carry on... creating!

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