
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Goodbye to Summer :( broken butterfly wings

OMgosh friends, I can't believe the summer is gone! And look how long it's been since I last posted! I trust that you have all had a wonderful summer full of fun family times together.

As for me, I've been spending a lot of time with the kids. I taught my nine year old daughter Georgia how to sew, and she'll soon be surpassing me in her sewing skills, I'm sure! My little son Luca (6) has learned how to swim and loves getting dumped by waves at our favorite little beach getaway, down at 89th street Virginia Beach :)

I have a very special freebie for you today from Georgia, who came running inside with this precious little find - real butterfly wings! It was a bit sad to find these wings on the ground like this, and we do wonder what happened to this beautiful butterfly, but the wings left behind are a gift from nature, and so we thought you might like to use them in your designs.

Click on the image to get the larger version, then right click and save to your computer. This is a jpg, so open it in Photoshop and select the white area with the magic wand and a tolerance setting of 1. Go select>inverse and there you have your beautiful wings! You may use these commercially. If you can give a credit to my daughter 'Georgia Gandolfi', that would wonderful.


  1. Thank you so much for the Luna Butterly Moth wings --- to you and your daughter!

  2. You're welcome Patty. So, do these belong to the Luna Butterfly then? How wonderful! There is another part of the wing that I could scan as well, the top part I guess. It has a higher arch to it. Very pretty, but a little broken. Butterflies are such an incredible creation from God!

  3. Thank you! I write a fairy Newsletter from my nieces and these will come in handy with some of my photoshopping.

  4. P.S. - If Georgia would like to see a newsletter - please go to! I would love to send her one when I do the next one for fall!

  5. LOVE LOVE LOVE these wings
    Thanks a lot

  6. Wow, what a nice find (though sad) a big thanks to Georgia :)


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