
Thursday, December 20, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Giveaways - Day 7

Printable Vintage Ballerina Tags
by Jodie Lee

I know you're going to love these! These are the ballerinas that inspired my Fairy Belle Collection
Don't you think these would make gorgeous Christmas tags? Simply punch a hole and add some 
vintage seam ribbon - so pretty!
Click on image to get the larger version, right click and save.


©2012 Jodie Lee Designs (personal use only).


  1. I absolutely love these images. Thanks soooo Much.

  2. OMG - these are my F A V O U R I T E ..... Thank you thank you thank you

    Thank you once again!!!

    Paula x x x

  3. Thanks again, Jodie. They're gorgeous. I'm going to print some tonight so they're ready for my gift wrapping tomorrow!

  4. Thanks a lot. I have the Faire- Belle Collection and I adore every bit of it. You are a wonderful designer!!!


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