
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Jodie Lee Featured in the Prima Artzine!

The new Prima Artzine is out and it features lots of pretty paper projects from Prima Marketing!  I'm really thrilled to be featured in this edition, along with some of my very own layouts. So, be sure to check it out and let me know what you think! :) Here's the link to view the Artzine.


  1. Your layouts just killed me! I've never seen anything so perfect. Wish I were able to do anything at least nearly as incredible as the "beautiful" one. Could you please do a step-by-step tutorial on how to make it? The one to buy online via paypal, for instance. I'd love to scraplift it but it looks way too complicated to understand how it's done. You're a genius.

  2. I read this already Jodie - and just love the feature - and getting to know more about you... I see you have some roots in the UK too. What made you move from Aus to USA?, and do you consider that it was a good move?

    I'm wondering if volumes 1-4 are available - I'm going to get in touch with Sherry... I watched a live Prima tutorial on UStream last night - it was my very first so I was excited - this is where I was provided a link of this Artzine...

    Can't wait to see what you come up with next...

    Paula x x x

  3. Thank you for the lovely comments ladies! It's kinda hard to describe how I made this layout Katerina. I never plan these things, they just happen. I did use a lot of scrapbook flowers, but then I tore then apart and combined them in different ways and added little bits of lace and stapled them back together. I tucked a lot of embellishments into edges around the main paper, which is watercolor paper. It's not really a conventional type of layout, it just kind of grew out of a lot of scraps I had.

  4. Hi Paula,
    I am Australian, but I live in the USA. But my parents moved to London about a decade ago, so I visit there quite often to see them!

    Living in the USA has been very interesting. I do like it, but of course I miss Australia too :)

    Thanks for all your lovely comments on my blog :)


Hi friends, thank you for your comments ... I love hearing from you!