
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Free Printable! Stories of Jesus Illustrations

Stunning antique illustrations that tell the story of Jesus, by Mary Cicely Barker. You probably know Mary Cicely Barker for her 'Flower Fairy' Series of Books. But perhaps you didn't know that she had a very strong Christian faith and that before she did the Flower Fairy series, she illustrated other books, including the one that these came from.

These images are close to my heart becauseBBible stories which fascinated me as a child. I spent hours reading them each night by myself before I went to sleep.  The life of Jesus really inspired me. 

I hope these illustrations by Mary Cicely Barker inspire you today.  She couldn't have painted them with such beauty unless they meant something to her personally. I hope you will find special meaning in them too.
Click on the image below to get to the larger image, then right click, download to your computer.
Just in case you are wondering, yes, these images are in the public domain in the USA as they were created before 1923, so feel free to use them in all your creations. But please do not resell the originals as I have spent quite a bit of work in cleaning them up and putting them together into this collection, thank you.

©2013 Jodie Lee Designs. Personal use and small business use for a small run of up to 50 handmade goods.


  1. Thanks a lot. This images are fantastic. I alredy knew Mary Cicely Barker, but didn't knew about this illustrations. Have a nice week!

  2. These are adorable Jodie - thank you very much. I have a lot of her artwork and a few craft CD's of the flower faries, but I didn't realise she did other things too. I agree about how good these are - they have a lot of love in them too.

    Paula x x x

  3. These are my favorite so far. They are like the illustrations in the story books that I read at my grandmother's when I was a child.

  4. Oops. I meant to say THANK YOU SO MUCH! above. You have done a wonderful job cleaning up the images. I appreciate the work you do. :)

  5. Mary Cicely Barker work is beautiful! Thank you very much for this religious page. I thought her religious art was made in general after 1923 so thank you to let us know that they are public domain. Can I ask you where you got them, as I make cards i share freely on my blog, i would be interested. Thanks again.

    1. Can you tell me what book these illustrations are from? I would love to buy a copy as a gift! Thanks!

  6. Can you tell me what book these illustrations are from? I would love to buy a copy as a gift! Thanks!


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